Dance Dynamics
Education in Jeffreys Bay
Karena Street. Jeffreys Bay. Eastern Cape. 6330Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Dance Dynamics
We are now officially halfway through the ballet festival. We are very proud of all of you for getting out there and giving of your best. Our two groups Mysterious Phantom and Uninvited did us proud. It was an awesome experience, and the competition was tough, but the girls all had a ball. We also had some of our girls take part in the fully booked Thumbelina Youth Ballet, and it was great to see our girls up there on the stage with the Cape Town City Ballet Dancers. We had a really fun ballet exam session this year with Beverley Valentine from Johannesburg examining our girls. They are our first entrants for this year and we are glad that they enjoyed their exam so much. The production was called Controlled Chaos and was a dance adaptation depicting the masks and struggles of mental uncertainty. The twenty-minute piece focusing on mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety and general teenage mental disorders while maintaining a preface of calm and control. This is to lightly explore the hidden struggles that are not always apparent but hidden under masks and uncertainty. Sit with legs straight in front of you, flex your feet and try and touch your toes. Do thirty sautes and concentrate on using your feet to push off the floor and stretch fully in the air. Loose dancers should spend that time on strengthening exercises instead. It is important to avoid comparing the flexibility of one dancer with that of other dancers. When stretching, it is vital to not push the body too hard. Pushing stretches too hard may cause a muscle strain (tear), so is important to be cautious. Stretches should be held to a point of mild discomfort, not pain. Holding a static stretch for 30 seconds is enough to maintain joint range of motion and current flexibility. But, if increasing flexibility is the goal, then deformation of the connective tissue is necessary to produce permanent muscle length change. When trying to increase flexibility, it is important to employ stretching AFTER dancing or other activity when muscles and connective tissues are warm.
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